Just signup and explore the learning platform for your exam. Each practice set will eavaluate you on your potential and help in creating next practice set.
Signup to nthexam, its free and get started with your first practice set of your exam choice. Create unlimited practice set of your desired category and sub categories. Create test among provided number of question sets.
Completed practice sets can be reviewed with analysis report Rate the question as per your experience and bookmark for revision. Bookmarking will help you to search in bookmark section based on author, category, subcategory and question text
Personal book can be generated once you complete your milestone, on each milestone you can create few personalized book that contains practice sets. Each book will be generated on based on your progressive growth
All practice sets are created based on the various factors
All your practice set data help in improving the analysis
The data and charts are of less information and use so we generated a book based on that